Thursday, October 04, 2012

Dynamically Assign Approver for the Content Approval Workflow in SP2010

This post is a how-to guide for customizing the ootb SharePoint 2010 content approval workflow to automatically pick a user from the current list item such as the 'content resposible' field, and assign that user as the approver of the content, using SharePoint Designer. The customization of the content approval using SPD is quite straightforwards except for some less intuitive and misleading options for editing the workflow task process. It also involves publishing and editing the XML config of the workflow to enable using the "Start this workflow to approve publishing a major version of an item" option for automatically starting the approval workflow when the author check-in (submits) the page or document for approval.

To get started, follow the SharePoint Designer Walkthrough: Copy & Modify Publishing Workflow steps 1-4 to make a copy of the "Approval - SharePoint 2010" workflow in the site-collection root. Edit the workflow name to suit your needs and make sure to pick the content type that contains the user field that you will use to auto-assign as the approver in "Pick a base content type to limit this workflow to". Otherwise you won't be able to add a lookup for that content type field. Click OK and save.

Open the saved custom approval workflow and click "edit workflow". Change the name of the "Start Approval Workflow Task" action as you like. Then click on "Parameter: Approvers" to change the "with [these users]" for the workflow action into using an user from the current item that is pending approval. Now, to dynamically assign an approver, you need to click the "Enter participants manually" button.

Then in "Select task participants" click the address book button to open the "Select users" dialog box. Now select "Workflow lookup for a user", which will trigger the "Lookup for person or group" dialog.

Click OK three times, and the start approval workflow action should now look like this:

Now, as a side-effect the comments for the task has been unbound, so you need to click on properties for the workflow action and bind the comments to the "Parameters: Request" again. This will ensure that the text entered in the request field when starting the approval workflow will not be missing when the approver opens the workflow task to approve or reject the pending content.

Click OK two times, and your customized approval workflow with a dynamic approver is almost ready. There are a couple of workflow parameters that are not needed when automatically assigning the approver, these can be hidden from the workflow initiation form so that the author is not confused when the workflow starting form is shown on check-in. Click "Initiation form parameter" in the ribbon and make sure that the "Approvers" and "Expand groups" parameters are not shown during workflow initiation.

Removing the parameters is also an option, it just feels safer to just hide them rather than deleting them. Save and publish your custom content approval workflow as a globally reusable workflow as shown in step 13-15. You can now follow the Configuring Approval in SharePoint steps to use your workflow on a document library that requires content approval, and it will work for the content types that the custom approval workflow is associated with for the selected list.

However, the "Start this workflow to approve publishing a major version of an item" option will be missing when associating the workflow with the document library, even if it is a bonafide approval workflow and even if the list has "Require content approval for submitted items" turned on. This is caused by the workflow being a content type rather than a list workflow, and only list workflows can be configured to start content approval on check-in. Luckily, it is rather simple to change this by editing the XML config file for the published workflow XOML definition using SPD, as shown in Writing Your Own SharePoint Publishing Approval Workflow. I made these changes to the file:
  • changed the Category attribute to "List;Language:1033;#ContentType;Language:1033" 
  • changed the AllowStartOnMajorCheckin attribute to "true"
  • removed the ContentTypeId attribute completely
After directly editing and saving the workflow config file using SPD, the workflow designer will be somewhat out of sync with the XOML definition, due to the removal of the content type and changing of the association category. Still, the actual workflow logic is still working as expected.

You can now associate and test the custom approval workflow on your document library. These are the typical "Version settings" used for the "Pages" list in publishing sites:

Note that the users that are assigned as the approver must be members of the "Approvers" group in publishing sites, or have the right to edit draft items in the document library, otherwise they cannot open the  workflow task to approve or reject the content, even if the user is the owner of the task.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Migrated Content Database gives Unexpected Error for all Publishing Pages

Today I migrated a SharePoint 2010 publishing site content database to our Azure staging farm. All went smooth after using sp_changedbowner on the restored database before adding the content database to the web-application using Central Admin. However, when I tried to browse the publishing site, I got the "an unexpected error has occurred" message. Browsing /_layouts/settings.aspx worked fine and so did browsing "all site content" and the /pages/ list settings.

Using the correlation ID in combination with the ULS viewer lead me to this infamous portal sitemap provider exception:

DelegateControl: Exception thrown while adding control 'ASP._controltemplates_publishingconsole_ascx': Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

PortalSiteMapProvider was unable to fetch current node, request URL: /Pages/Forsiden.aspx, message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object., stack trace:   
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPField.GetTypeOrBaseTypeIfTypeIsInvalid(SPFieldCollection fields, String strType)    
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldCollection.GetViewFieldsForContextualListItem()    
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPContext.get_Item()    
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPContext.get_ListItem()    
 at Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.Navigation.PortalSiteMapProvider.get_CurrentNode()

Googling a "PortalSiteMapProvider was unable to fetch current node" exception is no fun. You will typically get it in relation to top navigation and related site map providers. I've chased the cause of that error before, and sometimes had to resort to iisreset each night due to the publishing cache going corrupt over time.

This time, luckily, the exception details indicated a problem with the /pages/ list item definition, which led me to How to fix "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPField.GetTypeOrBaseTypeIfTypeIsInvalid" that helped me solve my problem. By looking closer at the list settings for the pages list, I could see that a list column was flagged as invalid (look for the text "Delete this invalid field").

Trying to browse to Site Settings > Site Columns didn't work, but it gave me the enough information to find out what caused the issue and helped me solve it:

Field type AdvancedCalculated is not installed properly. Go to the list settings page to delete this field.

Deploying the missing feature to the staging farm solved the problem. Now it only remains to fix all those absolute URLs entered by the content authors.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Use Azure VMs with On Premises Gateway as SP2010 Branch Office Farm

Here are some notes from my ongoing experience of setting up a SharePoint 2010 "branch office" farm in Azure using the current preview of persistent Azure virtual machines in a Azure virtual network connected to the on premises Active Directory using an Azure gateway to a Juniper VPN device.
Useful TechEd Europe 2012 web-casts that show how things work in general:
VM+VNET in Azure:
AD in Azure:
SP in Azure:

Step by step instructions that I followed:
How to Create a Virtual Network for Cross-Premises Connectivity using the Azure gateway.
How to Install a Replica Active Directory Domain Controller in Windows Azure Virtual Networks.

Creating a virtual network (vnet) is easy and simple using the Azure preview management portal. I recommed creating the local network first, as the vnet wizard otherwise might fail - without giving any useful exception message. We had an issue caused by naming the local network "6sixsix" which didn't work due to the name starting with a digit. Also note that the VPN gateway only supports one LAN subnet in the current preview.

Plan your subnets upfront and make sure that they don't overlap with the on premises subnets. Register both the existing on premises DNS server and the planned vnet DNS server when configuring the vnet. A tip here is that the first VM created in a subnet will get .4 as the last part of the IP address, so if your ADDNSSubnet is, then the vnet DNS will get as its IP address. Note that you can't change the DNS configuration after adding the first VM to the network, this includes creating the Azure gateway which adds devices to the gateway subnet.

After creating the Azure virtual network, we created and started the Azure gateway for connecting to the on premises LAN using a Site-to-Site VPN tunnel using a secure IPSec connection. Creating the gateway takes some time as some devices or VMs are provisioned in the gateway subnet you specified. We then sent the public IP address of the gateway, plus the shared key and the configuration script for the Juniper VPN device to our network admin. The connection wouldn't come up, and to make a long story short, the VPN configuration needs the 'peerid' to be set to an IP address of a device in the gateway subnet. Our gateway subnet was and after trying first (see above tip), the network admin tried and that worked. I'll come back to this below when telling you about our incident when our trial Azure account was deactivated by Microsoft.

With the Azure virtual network up and running and connected to the on premises LAN, I created the AD DNS virtual machine using the preview portal "create from gallery" option. As SP2010 is not supported on WS2012 yet, I decided to use the WS2008R2 server image in this Azure server farm. Note that you should use size "large" for hosting AD as you need to attach two data disks for storing the AD database, log files and system state backup.

I did not use powershell for creating this first VM, instead I manually changed the DNS setting on the network adapter (both IPv4 and IPv6) and then manually joined the to-be AD DNS VM to the existing domain. Note that while you're at it, also set the advanced DNS option "Use this connection's DNS suffix in DNS registration" for both network adapters. Otherwise you will get the "Changing the Primary Domain DNS name of this computer to "" failed" error when trying to join the domain.

Following the how-to for setting up a replica AD in Azure work fine, we only had some minor issues due to the existing AD being on WS2003. For instance, we found no DEFAULTIPSITELINK when creating a new site in AD, so we had to create a new site link first, then create the site and finally modify the site link so that it linked the Azure "CloudSite" and the LAN site. Then the dcpromo wizard step for AD site detection didn't manage to resolve against our WS2003 domain controller, just click "ok" on the error message and manually select the "CloudSite" in the "Select a site" page.

I really wanted to set up a read-only domain controller (RODC) to save some outgoing (egress) traffic and thus save some money, as this branch farm don't need a full fidelity domain controller. However, it is not possible to create a RODC when the existing DC is on WS2003, because RODC is a WS2008 feature. So for "Additional Domain Controller Options" we went with DNS and "Global Catalog" (GC). GC isn't required, but if not installed then all authentication traffic on login need to go all the way to the on premises DC. So to save some traffic (and money), and get faster authN in the branch farm, we added the GC - even if the extra data will drive up Azure storage cost.

The next servers in the farm were added using powershell to ensure that 1) the VM is domain joined on boot, and 2) that the DNS settings for the VM is automatically configured.

Here are some tips for using New-AzureDNS, New-AzureVMConfig and New-AzureVM:
  • You can use the Azure vnet DNS server or the on premises DNS server with New-AzureDNS. I used the former.
  • The New-AzureVMConfig Name parameter is used when naming and registering the server in AD and DNS. Make sure that the full computer name is unique across the domain.
  • The New-AzureVM ServiceName parameter is used for the cloud DNS name prefix in the domain. It is also used to provision a "Cloud Service" in the Azure preview management portal. Even if multiple VMs can be added to the same service name (shared workload), I used uniqe names for the farm VMs (standalone virtual machine), connected using the vnet for load balancing.
  • To get the built-in Azure image names, use this powershell to go through the images in the gallery until you find the one you're looking for:
After adding the SQL Server 2012, web server and application server VMs using powershell, I logged in using RDP and verified that each server was up and running, domain joined and registered in the DNS. Note that the SQL Server image is not by default configured with separate data disks for data and log files. This means that the SQL Server 2012 master database etc is stored on the OS disk in this preview. You need to add data disks and then change the SQL Server file location configuration your self. Adding two data disks will require that the SQL Server VM is of size "large".

The next step was to intall SharePoint 2010 on the farm the next day. Thats when the trial account was deactivated because all the computing hours was spent. Even if you then reactivate the account, all your VM instances are deleted, keeping only the VHD disks. As Microsoft support says, it is easy to recreate the VMs, but they also tell you that the AD virtual machine needs a static IP which you can only get in Azure if you never delete the VM. Remember to recreate the VMs in the correct order so that they get the same IP addresses as before.

What is worse is that they also delete the virtual network and the gateway. Even if it is also easy to recreate these, your gateway will get a new public IP address and a new shared key, so you need to call your network provider again to make them reconfigure the VPN device.

I strongly recommend not using a spending capped trial account for hosting your Azure branch office farm. Microsoft deleted the VMs and the network to stop incurring costs, which was fine with non-persistent Azure VM Roles (PaaS) anyway, but not as nice for a IaaS service with a persistent server farm.

I recommend exporting your VMs using Export-AzureVM so that you don't have to recreate the VMs manually if something should happen. The exported XML will contain all the VM settings, including the attached data disks.

How to deatch Azure VMs to move or save cost:

When we recreated the Azure virtual network and the gateway, the VPN connection would not come back up again. The issue was that this time the gateway devices had got different IP addresses, so now the "peerid" had to be configured as to make things work.

Now the gateway is back up again, and next week I'll restore the VMs and continue with installing SP2010 on the Azure "branch office" farm. More notes to come if I run into other issues.

- - - continued - - -

Installing the SharePoint 2010 bits went smooth, but running the config wizard did not. First you need to allow incoming TCP traffic on port 1433 on the Azure SQL Server. Then the creation of the SharePoint_Config database failed with:

    Could not find stored procedure 'sp_dboption'.

...even if I had downloaded and installed SP2010 with SP1 bits. So I downloaded and installed SharePoint Server 2010 SP1 and June CU from 2011 due to the issue caused by using SQL Server 2012 and that fixed the problem. Got "Configuration Successfull" without any further issues.

Finally, I tested and verified it all by creating a SP2010 web-application with a team site, creating a self-signed certificate with IIS7 and adding an Azure port mapping for SSL (virtual machine endpoint, TCP 443 to 443), allowing me to login to the team site using my domain account over HTTPS from anywhere.

A note on the VM firewall config is that ping is by default blocked, thus you can't ping other machines in the vnet unless you configure the firewall to allow it. Also note that you can't ping addresses outside of the virtual network and the connected LAN anyway; even if you can browse to, you can't ping us.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

SharePoint Publishing Site Map Providers and Navigation

Configuring the navigation of SharePoint 2010 publishing sites and subsites can be a bit confusing, also when configuring the navigation from code or from your web templates (or even old school site definitions). Add to that the UI that changes based on which settings you chose combined with what site or subsite context you're currently in. Plus the quite large number of site map providers defined in the web.config when using the PortalSiteMapProvider from code.

This post is about how the UI settings can be repeated in your site provisioning code, that is: first configure the navigation settings in your prototype to make it work according to your navigation concept, then package the settings into feature code.

The PortalSiteMapProvider works in combination with the PublishingWeb navigation settings, and of course with the top and current navigation controls used to render the navigation as HTML. The latter needs to look at the publishing web's PortalNavigation settings when querying the portal site map provider for the CurrentNode or when getting a set of navigation nodes to render. The navigation controls' code use the PortalSiteMapProvider properties IncludeSubSites, IncludePages, IncludeAuthoredLinks and IncludeHeadings to set the filtering applied to GetChildNodes when rendering nodes. These filter properties are typically set to IncludeOption.PerWeb to reflect the navigation settings of the current site or subsite.

The navigation settings UI tries to show the effects of your navigation settings (upper half) by rendering a preview of what nodes GetChildNodes would return for the *current* site (lower half) from the applicable site map provider. The PortalSiteMapProvider exposes several of the providers defined in web.config as static properties, but only two of them are typically used: CombinedNavSiteMapProvider and CurrentNavSiteMapProvider. The former is what feeds the top navigation, the latter feeds the current (left, local) navigation.

Note that when inheriting global navigation, the UI won't show the global navigation container as it only supports configuring the navigation of the current site. The term "parent site" in the UI refers to the top-level site of the site-collection, which is not the direct parent of a subsite beyond level 1 children.

Configuring the navigation settings from your site provisioning feature is quite simple once you've got a working prototype of your navigation concept. Use the mapping shown in the above figure to program the configuration settings for both global navigation (InheritGlobal, GlobalIncludeSubSites, GlobalIncludePages) and current navigation (InheritCurrent, CurrentIncludeSubSites, CurrentIncludePages, ShowSiblings).

The only little pitfall is for "Display the current site, the navigation items below the current site, and the current site's siblings" which requires a combination of InheritCurrent = false and ShowSiblings = true. Use this setting to show the same local navigation for a section of your web-site and all its child sites. A typical example is for the Quality Management section (level 1 subsite) and its QMS areas (level 2 subsites) to have a shared navigation experience. The QMS section would not use ShowSiblings while all the child areas would have ShowSiblings turned on.

Implementing a custom navigation concept is as simple as writing your own navigation rendering controls, and inheriting the PortalSiteMapProvider to override the logic for CurrentNode and GetChildNodes to suit your needs by applying the applicable node filtering properties to control which nodes are returned and rendered in which context. I've also used this approach for reading the navigation items from a central SharePoint list to get common cross site-collection top-navigation.

I hope this helped you understand how to realize your navigation concept from code, and that you're not totally confused by all the available site map providers and how they are used anymore.

Monday, May 07, 2012

Exploring Search Results Step-by-Step in SharePoint 2010

Using search to provide a news archive in SharePoint 2010 is a wellknown solution. Just add the core results web-part to a page and configure it to query for your news article content type and sort it in descending order. Then customize the result XSLT to tune the content and layout of the news excerpts to look like a new archive. Add also the search box, the search refiners and the results paging web-parts and you have a functional news archive in no time.

This post is about providing contextual navigation by adding "<< previous", "next >>" and "result" links to the article pages, to allow users to explore the result set in a step-by-step manner. Norwegians will reckognize this way of exploring results from

For a user or visitor to be able to navigate the results, the result set must be cached per user. The search results are in XML format, and it contains a sequential id and the URL for each hit. This allows the navigation control to use XPath to locate the current result by id, and get the URLs for the previous and next results. The user query must also be cached so that clicking the "result" link will show the expected search results.

Override the CoreResultsWebPart as shown in my Getting Elevated Search Results in SharePoint 2010 post to add per-user caching of the search results. If your site allows for anonymous visitors, you need to decide on how to keep tab on them. In the code I've used the requestor IP address, which is not 100% foolproof, but this allows me to avoid using cookies for now.

namespace Puzzlepart.SharePoint.Presentation
    public class NewsArchiveCoreResultsWebPart : CoreResultsWebPart
        public static readonly string ScopeNewsArticles 
            = "Scope=\"News Archive\"";
        private static readonly string CacheKeyResultsXmlDocument 
            = "Puzzlepart_CoreResults_XmlDocument_User:";
        private static readonly string CacheKeyUserQueryString 
            = "Puzzlepart_CoreResults_UserQuery_User:";
        private int _cacheUserQueryTimeMinutes = 720;
        private int _cacheUserResultsTimeMinutes = 30;
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            catch (Exception ex)
                var error = SharePointUtilities.CreateErrorLabel(ex);
        protected override XPathNavigator GetXPathNavigator(string viewPath)
            //return base.GetXPathNavigator(viewPath);
            XmlDocument xmlDocument = GetXmlDocumentResults();
            XPathNavigator xPathNavigator = xmlDocument.CreateNavigator();
            return xPathNavigator;
        private XmlDocument GetXmlDocumentResults()
            XmlDocument xmlDocument = null;
            QueryManager queryManager = 
            SharedQueryManager.GetInstance(Page, QueryNumber).QueryManager;
            Location location = queryManager[0][0];
            string query = location.SupplementaryQueries;
            if (query.IndexOf(ScopeNewsArticles, 
                StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) < 0)
                string userQuery = 
                    queryManager.UserQuery + " " + ScopeNewsArticles;
                queryManager.UserQuery = userQuery.Trim();
            xmlDocument = queryManager.GetResults(queryManager[0]);
            return xmlDocument;
        private void SetCachedUserQuery()
            var qs = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString
            if (qs["resultid"] != null)
               qs.ToString(), null
               new TimeSpan(0, 0, _cacheUserQueryTimeMinutes, 0));
        private void SetCachedResults(XmlDocument xmlDocument)
               xmlDocument, null
               new TimeSpan(0, 0, _cacheUserResultsTimeMinutes, 0));
        private static string UserQueryCacheKey(Page page)
            string visitorId = GetVisitorId(page);
            string queryCacheKey = String.Format("{0}{1}"
                CacheKeyUserQueryString, visitorId);
            return queryCacheKey;
        private static string ResultsCacheKey(Page page)
            string visitorId = GetVisitorId(page);
            string resultsCacheKey = String.Format("{0}{1}"
                CacheKeyResultsXmlDocument, visitorId);
            return resultsCacheKey;
        public static string GetCachedUserQuery(Page page)
            string userQuery = 
            return userQuery;
        public static XmlDocument GetCachedResults(Page page)
            XmlDocument results = 
            return results;
        private static string GetVisitorId(Page page)
            //TODO: use cookie for anonymous visitors
            string id = page.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"
                ?? page.Request.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"];
            if(SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser != null)
                id = SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.LoginName;
            return id;

I've used sliding expiration on the cache to allow for the user to spend some time exploring the results. The result set is cached for a short time by default, as this can be quite large. The user query text is, however, small and cached for a long time, allowing the users to at least get their results back after a period of inactivity.

As suggested by Mikael Svenson, an alternative to caching would be running the query again using the static QueryManager page object to get the result set. This would require using another result key element than the dynamic <id> number to ensure that the current result lookup is not scewed by new results being returned by the search. An example would be using a content type field such as "NewsArticlePermaId" if it exists.

Overriding the GetXPathNavigator method gets you the cached results that the navigation control needs. In addition, the navigator code needs to know which is the result set id of the current page. This is done by customizing the result XSLT and adding a "resultid" parameter to the $siteUrl variable for each hit.

. . . 
 <xsl:template match="Result">
    <xsl:variable name="id" select="id"/>
    <xsl:variable name="currentId" select="concat($IdPrefix,$id)"/>
    <xsl:variable name="url" select="url"/>
    <xsl:variable name="resultid" select="concat('?resultid=', $id)" />
    <xsl:variable name="siteUrl" select="concat($url, $resultid)" />
. . . 

The result set navigation control is quite simple, looking up the current result by id and getting the URLs for the previous and next results (if any) and adding the "resultid" to keep the navigation logic going forever.

namespace Puzzlepart.SharePoint.Presentation
    public class NewsArchiveResultsNavigator : Control
        public string NewsArchivePageUrl { get; set; }
        private string _resultId = null;
        private XmlDocument _results = null;
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            _resultId = Page.Request.QueryString["resultid"];
            _results = NewsArchiveCoreResultsWebPart.GetCachedResults(this.Page);
            if(_results == null || _resultId == null)
                //render nothing
        private void AddResultsNavigationLinks()
            string prevUrl = GetPreviousResultPageUrl();
            var linkPrev = new HyperLink()
                Text = "<< Previous",
                NavigateUrl = prevUrl
            linkPrev.Enabled = (prevUrl.Length > 0);
            string resultsUrl = GetSearchResultsPageUrl();
            var linkResults = new HyperLink()
                Text = "Result",
                NavigateUrl = resultsUrl
            string nextUrl = GetNextResultPageUrl();
            var linkNext = new HyperLink()
                Text = "Next >>",
                NavigateUrl = nextUrl
            linkNext.Enabled = (nextUrl.Length > 0);
        private string GetPreviousResultPageUrl()
            return GetSpecificResultUrl(false);
        private string GetNextResultPageUrl()
            return GetSpecificResultUrl(true);
        private string GetSpecificResultUrl(bool useNextResult)
            string url = "";
            if (_results != null)
                string xpath = 
                    String.Format("/All_Results/Result[id='{0}']", _resultId);
                XPathNavigator xNavigator = _results.CreateNavigator();
                XPathNavigator xCurrentNode = xNavigator.SelectSingleNode(xpath);
                if (xCurrentNode != null)
                    bool hasNode = false;
                    if (useNextResult)
                        hasNode = xCurrentNode.MoveToNext();
                        hasNode = xCurrentNode.MoveToPrevious();
                    if (hasNode && 
                        string resultId = 
                        string fileUrl = 
                        url = String.Format("{0}?resultid={1}"
                           fileUrl, resultId);
            return url;
        private string GetSearchResultsPageUrl()
            string url = NewsArchivePageUrl;
            string userQuery = 
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(userQuery))
                url = String.Format("{0}?resultid={1}", url, _resultId);
                url = String.Format("{0}?{1}&resultid={2}"
                    url, userQuery, _resultId);
            return url;

Note how I use the "resultid" URL parameter to discern between normal navigation to a page and result set navigation between pages. If the resultid parameter is not there, then the navigation controls are hidden. The same goes for when there are no cached results. The "result" link could always be visible for as long as the user's query text is cached.

You can also provide this result set exploration capability for all kinds of pages, not just for a specific page layout, by adding the result set navigation control to your master page(s). The result set <id> and <url> elements are there for all kind of pages stored in your SharePoint solution.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Almost Excluding Specific Search Results in SharePoint 2010

Sometimes you want to hide certain content from being exposed through search in certain SharePoint web-applications, even if the user really has access to the information in the actual content source. A scenario is intranet search that is openly used, but in which you want to prevent accidental information exposure. Think of a group working together on reqruiting, where the HR manager use the search center looking for information - you wouldn't want even excerpts of confidential information to be exposed in the search results.

So you carefully plan your content sources and crawl rules to only index the least possible amount of information. Still, even with crawl rules you will often need to tweak the query scope rules to exclude content at a more fine-grained level, or even add new scopes for providing search-driven content to users. Such configuration typically involves using exclude rules on content types or content sources. This is a story of how SharePoint can throw you a search results curveball, leading to accidental information disclosure.

In this scenario, I had created a new content source JobVault for crawling the HR site-collection in another SharePoint web-application, to be exposed only through a custom shared scope. So I tweaked the rules of the existing scopes such as "All Sites" to exclude the Puzzlepart JobVault content source, and added a new JobReqruiting scope that required the JobVault content source and included the content type JobHired and excluded the content type JobFired.

So no shared scopes defined in the Search Service Application (SSA) included JobFired information, as all scopes either excluded the HR content source or excluded the confidential content type. To my surprise our SharePoint search center would find and expose such pages and documents when searching for "you're fired!!!".

Knowing that the search center by default uses the "All Sites" scope when no specific scope is configured or defined in the keyword query, it was back to the SSA to verify the scope. It was all in order, and doing a property search on Scope:"All Sites" got me the expected results with no confidential data in it. The same result for Scope:"JobReqruiting", no information exposure there either. It looked very much like a best bet, but there where no best bet keywords defined for the site-collection.

The search center culprit was the Top Federated Results web-part in our basic search site, by default showing results from the local search index very much like best bets. That was the same location as defined in the core results web-part, so why this difference?

Looking into the details of the "Local Search Results" federated location, the reason became clear: "This location provides unscoped results from the Local Search index". The keyword here is "unscoped".

The solution is to add the "All Sites" scope to the federated location to ensure that results that you want to hide are also excluded from the federated results web-part. Add it to the "Query Template" and optionally also to the "More Results Link Template" under the "Location Information" section in "Edit Federated Location".

Now the content is hidden when searching. Not through query security trimming, but through query filtering. Forgetting to add the filter somewhere can expose the information, but then only to users that have permission to see the content anyway. The results are still security trimmed, so this no actual information disclosure risk.

Note that this approach is no replacement for real information security; if that is what you need, don't crawl confidential information from an SSA that is exposed through openly available SharePoint search, even on your intranet.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Migrate SharePoint 2010 Term Sets between MMS Term Stores

When using the SharePoint 2010 managed metadata fields connected to termsets stored in the Managed Metadata Service (MMS) term store in your solutions, you should have a designated master MMS that is reused across all your SharePoint environment such as the development, test, staging and production farms. Having a single master termstore across all farms gives you the same termsets and terms with the same identifiers all over, allowing you to move content and content types from staging to production without invalidating all the fields and data connected to the MMS term store.

You'll find a lot of termset tools on CodePlex, some that use the standard SharePoint 2010 CSV import file format (which is without identifiers), and some that on paper does what you need, but don't fully work. Some of the better tools are SolidQ Managed Metadata Exporter for export and import of termset (CSV-style), SharePoint Term Store Powershell Utilities for fixing orphaned terms, and finally SharePoint Taxonomy and TermStore Utilities for real migration.

There are, however, standard SP2010 PowerShell cmdlets that allow you to migrate the complete termstore with full fidelity between Managed Metadata Service applications across farms. The drawback is that you can't do selective migration of specific termsets, the whole term store will be overwritten by the migration.

This script exports the term store to a backup file:

# MMS Application Proxy ID has to be passed for -Identity parameter

Export-SPMetadataWebServicePartitionData -Identity "12810c05-1f06-4e35-a6c3-01fc485956a3" -ServiceProxy "Managed Metadata Service" -Path "\\Puzzlepart\termstore\pzl-staging.bak"

This script imports the backup by overwriting the term store:

# MMS Application Proxy ID has to be passed for -Identity parameter
# NOTE: overwrites all existing termsets from MMS
# NOTE: overwrites the MMS content type HUB URL - must be reconfigured on target MMS proxy after restoring

Import-SPMetadataWebServicePartitionData -Identity "53150c05-1f06-4e35-a6c3-01fc485956a3" -ServiceProxy "Managed Metadata Service" -path "\\Puzzlepart\termstore\pzl-staging.bak" -OverwriteExisting

Getting the MMS application proxy ID and the ServiceProxy object:

$metadataApp= Get-SpServiceApplication | ? {$_.TypeName -eq "Managed Metadata Service"}
$mmsAppId = $metadataApp.Id
$mmsproxy = Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy | ?{$_.TypeName -eq "Managed Metadata Service Connection"}

Tajeshwar Singh has posted several posts on using these scripts, including how to solve typical issues:
In addition to such issues, I've run into this issue:

The Managed Metadata Service or Connection is currently not available. The Application Pool or Managed Metadata Web Service may not have been started. Please Contact your Administrator. 

The cause of this error was neither the app-pool nor the 'service on server' not being started, but the service account used in the production farm not being available in the staging farm. Look through the user accounts listed in the ECMPermission table in the MMS database, and correct the "wrong" accounts. Note that updating the MMS database directly might not be supported.

Note that after the term store migration, the MMS content type HUB URL configuration will also have been overwritten. You may not notice for some time, but the content type HUB publishing and subscriber timer jobs will stop working. What you will notice, is that if you try to click republish on a content type in the HUB, you'll get an "No valid proxy can be found to do this operation" error. See How to change the Content Type Hub URL by Michal Pisarek for the steps to rectify this.

Set-SPMetadataServiceApplication -Identity "Managed Metadata Service" -HubURI "http://puzzlepart:8181/"

After resetting this MMS configuration, you should verify that the content type publishing works correctly by republishing and running the timer jobs. Use "Site Collection Administration > Content Type Publishing" as shown on page 2 in Chris Geier's article to verify that the correct HUB is set and that HUB content types are pushed to the subscribers.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Getting Elevated Search Results in SharePoint 2010

I often use the SharePoint 2010 search CoreResultsWebPart in combination with scopes, content types and managed properties defined in the Search Service Application (SSA) for having dynamic search-driven content in pages. Sometimes the users might need to see some excerpt of content that they really do not have access to, and that you don't want to grant them access to either; e.g. to show a summary to anonymous visitors on your public web-site from selected content that is really stored in the extranet web-application in the SharePoint farm.

What is needed then is to execute the search query with elevated privileges using a custom core results web-part. As my colleague Mikael Svenson shows in Doing blended search results in SharePoint–Part 2: The Custom CoreResultsWebPart Way, it is quite easy to get at the search results code and use the SharedQueryManager object that actually runs the query. Create a web-part that inherits the ootb web-part and override the GetXPathNavigator method like this:

namespace Puzzlepart.SharePoint.Presentation
    public class JobPostingCoreResultsWebPart : CoreResultsWebPart
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
        protected override XPathNavigator GetXPathNavigator(string viewPath)
            XmlDocument xmlDocument = null;
            QueryManager queryManager = 
              SharedQueryManager.GetInstance(Page, QueryNumber)
                xmlDocument = queryManager.GetResults(queryManager[0]);
            XPathNavigator xPathNavigator = xmlDocument.CreateNavigator();
            return xPathNavigator;

Running the query with elevated privileges means that it can return any content that the app-pool identity has access to. Thus, it is important that you grant that account read permissions only on content that you would want just any user to see. Remember that the security trimming is done at query time, not at crawl time, with standard SP2010 server search. It is the credentials passed to the location's SSA proxy that is used for the security trimming. Use WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() from the System.Security.Principal namespace if you need to get at the app-pool account from your code.

You would want to add a scope and/or some fixed keywords to the query in the code before getting the results, in order to prevent malicious or accidental misuse of the elevated web-part to search for just anything in the crawled content of the associated SSA that the app-pool identity has access to. Another alternative is to run the query under another identity than the app-pool account by using real Windows impersonation in combination with the Secure Store Service (see this post for all the needed code) as this allows for using a specific content query account.

The nice thing about using the built-in query manager this way, rather than running your own KeywordQuery and providing your own result XML local to the custom web-part instance, is that the shared QueryManager's Location object will get its Result XML document populated. This is important for the correct behavior for the other search web-parts on the page using the same QueryNumber / UserQuery, such as the paging and refiners web-parts.

The result XmlDocument will also be in the correct format with lower case column names, correct hit highlighting data, correct date formatting, duplicate trimming, getting <path> to be <url> and <urlEncoded>, have the correct additional managed and crawled properties in the result such as <FileExtension> and <ows_MetadataFacetInfo>, etc, in addition to having the row <id> element and <imageUrl> added to each result. If you override by using a replacement KeywordQuery you must also implement code to apply appended query, fixed query, scope, result properties, sorting and paging yourself to gain full fidelity for your custom query web-part configuration.

If you don't get the expected elevated result set in your farm (I've only tested this on STS claims based web-apps; also see ForceClaimACLs for the SSA by my colleague Ole Kristian Mørch-Storstein), then the sure thing is to create a new QueryManager instance within the RWEP block as shown in How to: Use the QueryManager class to query SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Search by Corey Roth. This will give you correctly formatted XML results, but note that the search web-parts might set the $ShowMessage xsl:param to true, tricking the XSLT rendering into show the "no results" message and advice texts. Just change the XSLT to call either dvt_1.body or dvt_1.empty templates based on the TotalResults count in the XML rather than the parameter. Use the <xmp> trick to validate that there are results in the XML that all the search web-parts consumes, including core results and refinement panel.

The formatting and layout of the search results is as usual controlled by overriding the result XSLT. This includes the data such as any links in the results, as you don't want the users to click on links that just will give them access denied errors.

When using the search box web-part, use the contextual scope option for the scopes dropdown with care. The ContextualScopeUrl (u=) parameter will default to the current web-application, causing an empty result set when using the custom core results web-part against a content source from another SharePoint web-application.

Thursday, March 08, 2012

SharePoint 'Approve on behalf of' for Publishing Pages

Using require approval and the approval workflow in SharePoint 2010 publishing, or just approval on the pages library in the simple publishing configuration, is straight forwards when using the browser as you're only logged in as one person with a limited set of roles and thus set of rights. Typically a page author can edit a page and submit it for approval, but not actually approve the page to be published on the site. When you need to approve, you have to log on as a user with approval rights.

Sometimes you need to extend the user experience to allow an author to make simple changes to an already published page, such as extending the publishing end date, and republish it directly without having to do all the approval procedures all over again. So you create a custom "extend expiry date" ribbon button, elevate the privileges from code and call the Page ListItem File Approve method, only to get an access denied error.

In SharePoint 2010, it is not sufficient to be the app-pool identity (SHAREPOINT\System) or even a site-collection admin, you have to run the approval procedures as a user with approval privileges. So your code needs to impersonate a user in the "Approvers" group to be able to approve an item on behalf of the current user.

public static void ApproveOnBehalfOfUser(
SPListItem item, string approversGroupName, string userName, string comment)
    Guid siteId = item.ParentList.ParentWeb.Site.ID;
    Guid webId = item.ParentList.ParentWeb.ID;
    Guid listId = item.ParentList.ID;
    Guid itemId = item.UniqueId;
    SPUserToken approveUser = GetApproverUserToken(siteId, webId, approversGroupName);
    if (approveUser == null)
        throw new ApplicationException(String.Format(
"The group '{0}' has no members of type user, cannot approve item on behalf of '{1}'"
approversGroupName, userName));
    using (SPSite site = new SPSite(siteId, approveUser))
        using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(webId))
            var approveItem = web.Lists[listId].Items[itemId];
private static SPUserToken GetApproverUserToken(
Guid siteId, Guid webId, string approversGroupName)
    SPUserToken token = null;
    SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(() =>
        using (SPSite site = new SPSite(siteId))
            using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(webId))
                var group = web.SiteGroups[approversGroupName];
                if (group != null)
                    foreach (SPUser user in group.Users)
                        if (!user.IsDomainGroup && !user.IsSiteAdmin)
                            token = web.GetUserToken(user.LoginName);
    return token;

The code picks a user from the approvers group, and then impersonates that user using a SPUserToken object. From within the impersonated user token scope, the given page list item is opened again with the permissions of an approver, and finally the page is approved on behalf of the given page author.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

SharePoint ResolvePrincipal for ADFS users

Granting permissions in SharePoint 2010 by code is done by assigning roles to user or group principals, or for claims-based application, to a claim type instance. As you will find out when implementing a claims-based applications against ADFS, the SPUtility ResolvePrincipal method that you can use against the Windows identity provider and also against forms-based authentication (FBA), don't work for ADFS users. That is no surprise when looking at the SPPrincipalSource enum that lists the site's user info list, the Windows provider, and then the FBA membership and role providers.

The solution is rather simple, pass the user identity claim value such as the user's e-mail address used in ADFS to the SPClaimProviderManager CreateUserClaim method using the TrustedProvider issuer type. Then pass the generated claim to EnsureUser to get a SPPrincipal wrapping the user identity claim:

public static SPUser ResolveAdfsPrincipal(SPWeb web, string email, string issuerIdentifier)
    SPUser user = null;
    if (!SPClaimProviderManager.IsEncodedClaim(email))
        SPClaim claim = SPClaimProviderManager.CreateUserClaim(email, SPOriginalIssuerType.TrustedProvider, issuerIdentifier);
        if (claim != null)
            string userClaim = claim.ToEncodedString();
            user = web.EnsureUser(userClaim);
    return user;
public static SPUser ResolvePrincipal(SPWeb web, string email)
    SPUser user = null;
    SPPrincipalInfo identity = SPUtility.ResolvePrincipal(web, email, SPPrincipalType.All, SPPrincipalSource.All, null, true);
    if (identity != null)
        user = web.EnsureUser(identity.LoginName);
    return user;

Use the name of your ADFS identity provider as the issuer identifer parameter. If you're unsure of what this string should be, add a user to a SharePoint group using the UI and look at the identity claim value generated by SharePoint.

The identity claim value follows a specific format, and with ADFS (trusted provider) the issuer identifier name is always the 2nd pipe-separated value. The 1st part starting "i:" is for "identity" type claim, while the ending ".t" is for "trusted" provider (".f" is FBA, ".w" is Windows). In between is an encoding of the claim type used as the IdentifierClaim specified when registering the ADFS trusted identity provider. See the full list of claim type and claim value type encoding characters here. The 3rd part of the claim is the actual user claim value. This was an oversimplified explanation, refer to the SP2010 claims whitepaper for complete details.

Side note: The claim type encoding logic is important when using a custom claims provider (CCP) to augment the claimset with your own custom claim types. If you have CCPs on multiple SharePoint farms, it’s very important that you deploy all the CCPs in the same sequence across farms to ensure that the claim type mapping and encoding character for a custom claim type becomes the same across all farms. The best approach for ensuring parity across farms might be using Powershell to add the claim mappings first.

The code really doesn't resolve the user against ADFS, it just creates a claim type instance that authorization later on can validate against the logged in user's token (claim set). If the user's token contains the correct value for the claim type assigned to the securable object, then the user is authorized according to the role assignment.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Reusable SPGridView with Multiple Filter and Sort Columns

The venerable SPGridView still has its use in SharePoint 2010 when your data is not stored in a list or accessible as an external content type through BCS. A typical example is when using a KeywordQuery to build a search-driven web-part feeding on results as DataTable as show in How to: Use the SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Search KeywordQuery Class by Corey Roth. Another example is cross-site queries using SPSiteDataQuery.

The SPGridView can use a DataTable as its data source, but several things from sorting arrows to filtering don't work as expected when not using an ObjectDataSource. As Shawn Kirby shows in SPGridView WebPart with Multiple Filter and Sort Columns it is quite easy to implement support for such features.

In this post, I show how to generalize Shawn's web-part code into a SPGridView derived class and a data source class wrapping a DataTable, isolating this functionality from the web-part code itself, for both better reusability and separation of concerns.

First the simple abstract data source class that you must implement to populate your data set:

namespace Puzzlepart.SharePoint.Core
    public abstract class SPGridViewDataSource
        public abstract DataTable SelectData(string sortExpression);
        protected void Sort(DataTable dataSource, string sortExpression)
            //clean up the sort expression if needed - the sort descending 
            //menu item causes the double in some cases 
            if (sortExpression.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith("desc desc"))
                sortExpression = sortExpression.Substring(0, sortExpression.Length - 5);
            //need to handle the actual sorting of the data
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortExpression))
                DataView view = new DataView(dataSource);
                view.Sort = sortExpression;
                DataTable newTable = view.ToTable();

The SPGridViewDataSource class provides the SelectData method that you must override, and a completed Sort method that allows the SPGridView to sort your DataTable. Note that this class must be stateless as required by any class used as an ObjectDataSource. Its logic cannot be combined with the grid view class, as it will get instantiated new every time the ObjectDataSource calls SelectData.

Then the derived grid view with support for filtering and sorting, including the arrows and filter images:

namespace Puzzlepart.SharePoint.Core
    public class SPGridViewMultiSortFilter : SPGridView
        public SPGridViewMultiSortFilter()
            this.FilteredDataSourcePropertyName = "FilterExpression";
            this.FilteredDataSourcePropertyFormat = "{1} = '{0}'";            
        private ObjectDataSource _gridDS;
        private char[] _sortingSeparator = { ',' };
        private string[] _filterSeparator = { "AND" };
        public ObjectDataSource GridDataSource
            get { return _gridDS; }
            private set
                _gridDS = value;
                this.DataSourceID = _gridDS.ID;
        public bool AllowMultiSorting { get; set; }
        public bool AllowMultiFiltering { get; set; }
        string FilterExpression
. . .
        string SortExpression
. . .
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.Sorting += new GridViewSortEventHandler(GridView_Sorting);
            this.RowDataBound += new GridViewRowEventHandler(GridView_RowDataBound);
        protected void GridView_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e)
            string direction = e.SortDirection.ToString();
            direction = (direction == "Descending") ? " DESC" : "";
            SortExpression = e.SortExpression + direction;
            e.SortExpression = SortExpression;
            //keep the object dataset filter
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FilterExpression))
                _gridDS.FilterExpression = FilterExpression;
        protected void GridView_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
            if (sender == null || e.Row.RowType != DataControlRowType.Header)
            SPGridView grid = sender as SPGridView;
            // Show icon on filtered and sorted columns 
            for (int i = 0; i < grid.Columns.Count; i++)
. . .
        void BuildFilterView(string filterExp)
. . .
            //update the filter
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastExp))
                FilterExpression = lastExp;
            //reset object dataset filter
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FilterExpression))
                _gridDS.FilterExpression = FilterExpression;
        public ObjectDataSource SetObjectDataSource(string dataSourceId, SPGridViewDataSource dataSource)
            ObjectDataSource gridDS = new ObjectDataSource();
            gridDS.ID = dataSourceId;
            gridDS.SelectMethod = "SelectData";
            gridDS.TypeName = dataSource.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName;
            gridDS.EnableViewState = false;
            gridDS.SortParameterName = "SortExpression";
            gridDS.FilterExpression = FilterExpression;
            this.GridDataSource = gridDS;
            return gridDS;

Only parts of the SPGridViewMultiSortFilter code is shown here, see download link below for the complete code. Note that I have added two properties that controls whether multi-column sorting and multi-column filtering are allowed or not.

This is an excerpt from a web-part that shows search results using the grid:

namespace Puzzlepart.SharePoint.Presentation
    public class JobPostingRollupWebPart : WebPart
        protected SPGridViewMultiSortFilter GridView = null;
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            catch (Exception ex)
                Label error = new Label();
                error.Text = String.Format("An unexpected error occurred: {0}", ex.Message);
                error.ToolTip = ex.StackTrace;
        private void CreateJobPostingGrid()
            //add to control tree first is important for view state handling  
            Panel panel = new Panel();

            GridView = new SPGridViewMultiSortFilter();
  . . .
            GridView.AllowSorting = true;
            GridView.AllowMultiSorting = false;
            GridView.AllowFiltering = true;
            GridView.FilterDataFields = "Title,Author,Write,";
  . . .

            //set PagerTemplate after adding grid to control tree

            //must bind in OnPreRender
        protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
        private void PopulateGridDataSource()
            var dataSource = new ApprovedJobPostingDataSource();
            var gridDS = GridView.SetObjectDataSource("gridDS", dataSource);
            //add the data source

Note how the data source is created and assigned to the grid view, but also added to the control set of the web-part itself. This is required for the grid's DataSourceId binding to find the ObjectDataSource at run-time. Also note that data binding cannot be triggered from CreateChildControls as it is too early in the control's life cycle. The DataBind method must be called from OnPreRender to allow for view state and child controls to load before the sorting and filtering postback events

Finally, this is an example of how to implement a search-driven SPGridViewDataSource:

namespace Puzzlepart.SharePoint.Presentation
    public class ApprovedJobPostingDataSource : SPGridViewDataSource
        private string _cacheKey = "Puzzlepart_Godkjente_Jobbannonser";
        public override DataTable SelectData(string sortExpression)
            DataTable dataTable = (DataTable)HttpRuntime.Cache[_cacheKey];
            if (dataTable == null)
                dataTable = GetJobPostingData();
                HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(_cacheKey, dataTable, null
DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration);
            this.Sort(dataTable, sortExpression);
            return dataTable;
        private DataTable GetJobPostingData()
            DataTable results = new DataTable();
            string jobPostingManager = "Puzzlepart Jobbannonse arbeidsleder";
            string jobPostingAssistant = "Puzzlepart Jobbannonse assistent";
            string approvedStatus = "0";
            SPSite site = SPContext.Current.Site;
            KeywordQuery query = new KeywordQuery(site);
            query.QueryText = String.Format(
"ContentType:\"{0}\" ContentType:\"{1}\" ModerationStatus:\"{2}\""
jobPostingManager, jobPostingAssistant, approvedStatus);
            query.ResultsProvider = SearchProvider.Default;
            query.ResultTypes = ResultType.RelevantResults;
            ResultTableCollection resultTables = query.Execute();
            if (resultTables.Count > 0)
                ResultTable searchResults = resultTables[ResultType.RelevantResults];
                results.Load(searchResults, LoadOption.OverwriteChanges);
            return results;

That was not too hard, was it? Note that SearchProvider Default work for both FAST (FS4SP) and a standard SharePoint 2010 Search Service Application (SSA).

All the code can be downloaded from here.