Tuesday, February 28, 2012

SharePoint ResolvePrincipal for ADFS users

Granting permissions in SharePoint 2010 by code is done by assigning roles to user or group principals, or for claims-based application, to a claim type instance. As you will find out when implementing a claims-based applications against ADFS, the SPUtility ResolvePrincipal method that you can use against the Windows identity provider and also against forms-based authentication (FBA), don't work for ADFS users. That is no surprise when looking at the SPPrincipalSource enum that lists the site's user info list, the Windows provider, and then the FBA membership and role providers.

The solution is rather simple, pass the user identity claim value such as the user's e-mail address used in ADFS to the SPClaimProviderManager CreateUserClaim method using the TrustedProvider issuer type. Then pass the generated claim to EnsureUser to get a SPPrincipal wrapping the user identity claim:

public static SPUser ResolveAdfsPrincipal(SPWeb web, string email, string issuerIdentifier)
    SPUser user = null;
    if (!SPClaimProviderManager.IsEncodedClaim(email))
        SPClaim claim = SPClaimProviderManager.CreateUserClaim(email, SPOriginalIssuerType.TrustedProvider, issuerIdentifier);
        if (claim != null)
            string userClaim = claim.ToEncodedString();
            user = web.EnsureUser(userClaim);
    return user;
public static SPUser ResolvePrincipal(SPWeb web, string email)
    SPUser user = null;
    SPPrincipalInfo identity = SPUtility.ResolvePrincipal(web, email, SPPrincipalType.All, SPPrincipalSource.All, null, true);
    if (identity != null)
        user = web.EnsureUser(identity.LoginName);
    return user;

Use the name of your ADFS identity provider as the issuer identifer parameter. If you're unsure of what this string should be, add a user to a SharePoint group using the UI and look at the identity claim value generated by SharePoint.

The identity claim value follows a specific format, and with ADFS (trusted provider) the issuer identifier name is always the 2nd pipe-separated value. The 1st part starting "i:" is for "identity" type claim, while the ending ".t" is for "trusted" provider (".f" is FBA, ".w" is Windows). In between is an encoding of the claim type used as the IdentifierClaim specified when registering the ADFS trusted identity provider. See the full list of claim type and claim value type encoding characters here. The 3rd part of the claim is the actual user claim value. This was an oversimplified explanation, refer to the SP2010 claims whitepaper for complete details.

Side note: The claim type encoding logic is important when using a custom claims provider (CCP) to augment the claimset with your own custom claim types. If you have CCPs on multiple SharePoint farms, it’s very important that you deploy all the CCPs in the same sequence across farms to ensure that the claim type mapping and encoding character for a custom claim type becomes the same across all farms. The best approach for ensuring parity across farms might be using Powershell to add the claim mappings first.

The code really doesn't resolve the user against ADFS, it just creates a claim type instance that authorization later on can validate against the logged in user's token (claim set). If the user's token contains the correct value for the claim type assigned to the securable object, then the user is authorized according to the role assignment.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Reusable SPGridView with Multiple Filter and Sort Columns

The venerable SPGridView still has its use in SharePoint 2010 when your data is not stored in a list or accessible as an external content type through BCS. A typical example is when using a KeywordQuery to build a search-driven web-part feeding on results as DataTable as show in How to: Use the SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Search KeywordQuery Class by Corey Roth. Another example is cross-site queries using SPSiteDataQuery.

The SPGridView can use a DataTable as its data source, but several things from sorting arrows to filtering don't work as expected when not using an ObjectDataSource. As Shawn Kirby shows in SPGridView WebPart with Multiple Filter and Sort Columns it is quite easy to implement support for such features.

In this post, I show how to generalize Shawn's web-part code into a SPGridView derived class and a data source class wrapping a DataTable, isolating this functionality from the web-part code itself, for both better reusability and separation of concerns.

First the simple abstract data source class that you must implement to populate your data set:

namespace Puzzlepart.SharePoint.Core
    public abstract class SPGridViewDataSource
        public abstract DataTable SelectData(string sortExpression);
        protected void Sort(DataTable dataSource, string sortExpression)
            //clean up the sort expression if needed - the sort descending 
            //menu item causes the double in some cases 
            if (sortExpression.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith("desc desc"))
                sortExpression = sortExpression.Substring(0, sortExpression.Length - 5);
            //need to handle the actual sorting of the data
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sortExpression))
                DataView view = new DataView(dataSource);
                view.Sort = sortExpression;
                DataTable newTable = view.ToTable();

The SPGridViewDataSource class provides the SelectData method that you must override, and a completed Sort method that allows the SPGridView to sort your DataTable. Note that this class must be stateless as required by any class used as an ObjectDataSource. Its logic cannot be combined with the grid view class, as it will get instantiated new every time the ObjectDataSource calls SelectData.

Then the derived grid view with support for filtering and sorting, including the arrows and filter images:

namespace Puzzlepart.SharePoint.Core
    public class SPGridViewMultiSortFilter : SPGridView
        public SPGridViewMultiSortFilter()
            this.FilteredDataSourcePropertyName = "FilterExpression";
            this.FilteredDataSourcePropertyFormat = "{1} = '{0}'";            
        private ObjectDataSource _gridDS;
        private char[] _sortingSeparator = { ',' };
        private string[] _filterSeparator = { "AND" };
        public ObjectDataSource GridDataSource
            get { return _gridDS; }
            private set
                _gridDS = value;
                this.DataSourceID = _gridDS.ID;
        public bool AllowMultiSorting { get; set; }
        public bool AllowMultiFiltering { get; set; }
        string FilterExpression
. . .
        string SortExpression
. . .
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.Sorting += new GridViewSortEventHandler(GridView_Sorting);
            this.RowDataBound += new GridViewRowEventHandler(GridView_RowDataBound);
        protected void GridView_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e)
            string direction = e.SortDirection.ToString();
            direction = (direction == "Descending") ? " DESC" : "";
            SortExpression = e.SortExpression + direction;
            e.SortExpression = SortExpression;
            //keep the object dataset filter
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FilterExpression))
                _gridDS.FilterExpression = FilterExpression;
        protected void GridView_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
            if (sender == null || e.Row.RowType != DataControlRowType.Header)
            SPGridView grid = sender as SPGridView;
            // Show icon on filtered and sorted columns 
            for (int i = 0; i < grid.Columns.Count; i++)
. . .
        void BuildFilterView(string filterExp)
. . .
            //update the filter
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastExp))
                FilterExpression = lastExp;
            //reset object dataset filter
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FilterExpression))
                _gridDS.FilterExpression = FilterExpression;
        public ObjectDataSource SetObjectDataSource(string dataSourceId, SPGridViewDataSource dataSource)
            ObjectDataSource gridDS = new ObjectDataSource();
            gridDS.ID = dataSourceId;
            gridDS.SelectMethod = "SelectData";
            gridDS.TypeName = dataSource.GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName;
            gridDS.EnableViewState = false;
            gridDS.SortParameterName = "SortExpression";
            gridDS.FilterExpression = FilterExpression;
            this.GridDataSource = gridDS;
            return gridDS;

Only parts of the SPGridViewMultiSortFilter code is shown here, see download link below for the complete code. Note that I have added two properties that controls whether multi-column sorting and multi-column filtering are allowed or not.

This is an excerpt from a web-part that shows search results using the grid:

namespace Puzzlepart.SharePoint.Presentation
    public class JobPostingRollupWebPart : WebPart
        protected SPGridViewMultiSortFilter GridView = null;
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            catch (Exception ex)
                Label error = new Label();
                error.Text = String.Format("An unexpected error occurred: {0}", ex.Message);
                error.ToolTip = ex.StackTrace;
        private void CreateJobPostingGrid()
            //add to control tree first is important for view state handling  
            Panel panel = new Panel();

            GridView = new SPGridViewMultiSortFilter();
  . . .
            GridView.AllowSorting = true;
            GridView.AllowMultiSorting = false;
            GridView.AllowFiltering = true;
            GridView.FilterDataFields = "Title,Author,Write,";
  . . .

            //set PagerTemplate after adding grid to control tree

            //must bind in OnPreRender
        protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
        private void PopulateGridDataSource()
            var dataSource = new ApprovedJobPostingDataSource();
            var gridDS = GridView.SetObjectDataSource("gridDS", dataSource);
            //add the data source

Note how the data source is created and assigned to the grid view, but also added to the control set of the web-part itself. This is required for the grid's DataSourceId binding to find the ObjectDataSource at run-time. Also note that data binding cannot be triggered from CreateChildControls as it is too early in the control's life cycle. The DataBind method must be called from OnPreRender to allow for view state and child controls to load before the sorting and filtering postback events

Finally, this is an example of how to implement a search-driven SPGridViewDataSource:

namespace Puzzlepart.SharePoint.Presentation
    public class ApprovedJobPostingDataSource : SPGridViewDataSource
        private string _cacheKey = "Puzzlepart_Godkjente_Jobbannonser";
        public override DataTable SelectData(string sortExpression)
            DataTable dataTable = (DataTable)HttpRuntime.Cache[_cacheKey];
            if (dataTable == null)
                dataTable = GetJobPostingData();
                HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(_cacheKey, dataTable, null
DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration);
            this.Sort(dataTable, sortExpression);
            return dataTable;
        private DataTable GetJobPostingData()
            DataTable results = new DataTable();
            string jobPostingManager = "Puzzlepart Jobbannonse arbeidsleder";
            string jobPostingAssistant = "Puzzlepart Jobbannonse assistent";
            string approvedStatus = "0";
            SPSite site = SPContext.Current.Site;
            KeywordQuery query = new KeywordQuery(site);
            query.QueryText = String.Format(
"ContentType:\"{0}\" ContentType:\"{1}\" ModerationStatus:\"{2}\""
jobPostingManager, jobPostingAssistant, approvedStatus);
            query.ResultsProvider = SearchProvider.Default;
            query.ResultTypes = ResultType.RelevantResults;
            ResultTableCollection resultTables = query.Execute();
            if (resultTables.Count > 0)
                ResultTable searchResults = resultTables[ResultType.RelevantResults];
                results.Load(searchResults, LoadOption.OverwriteChanges);
            return results;

That was not too hard, was it? Note that SearchProvider Default work for both FAST (FS4SP) and a standard SharePoint 2010 Search Service Application (SSA).

All the code can be downloaded from here.