You'll find a lot of termset tools on CodePlex, some that use the standard SharePoint 2010 CSV import file format (which is without identifiers), and some that on paper does what you need, but don't fully work. Some of the better tools are SolidQ Managed Metadata Exporter for export and import of termset (CSV-style), SharePoint Term Store Powershell Utilities for fixing orphaned terms, and finally SharePoint Taxonomy and TermStore Utilities for real migration.
There are, however, standard SP2010 PowerShell cmdlets that allow you to migrate the complete termstore with full fidelity between Managed Metadata Service applications across farms. The drawback is that you can't do selective migration of specific termsets, the whole term store will be overwritten by the migration.
This script exports the term store to a backup file:
# MMS Application Proxy ID has to be passed for -Identity parameter
Export-SPMetadataWebServicePartitionData -Identity "12810c05-1f06-4e35-a6c3-01fc485956a3" -ServiceProxy "Managed Metadata Service" -Path "\\Puzzlepart\termstore\pzl-staging.bak"
This script imports the backup by overwriting the term store:
# MMS Application Proxy ID has to be passed for -Identity parameter
# NOTE: overwrites all existing termsets from MMS
# NOTE: overwrites the MMS content type HUB URL - must be reconfigured on target MMS proxy after restoring
Import-SPMetadataWebServicePartitionData -Identity "53150c05-1f06-4e35-a6c3-01fc485956a3" -ServiceProxy "Managed Metadata Service" -path "\\Puzzlepart\termstore\pzl-staging.bak" -OverwriteExisting
Getting the MMS application proxy ID and the ServiceProxy object:
$metadataApp= Get-SpServiceApplication | ? {$_.TypeName -eq "Managed Metadata Service"}
$mmsAppId = $metadataApp.Id
$mmsproxy = Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy | ?{$_.TypeName -eq "Managed Metadata Service Connection"}
Tajeshwar Singh has posted several posts on using these scripts, including how to solve typical issues:
- Site Collection Backup\Restore and Managed Metadata
- Import-SPMetadataWebServicePartitionData and BULK LOAD Problem
- Import-SPMetadataWebServicePartitionData error in multi server deployment
The Managed Metadata Service or Connection is currently not available. The Application Pool or Managed Metadata Web Service may not have been started. Please Contact your Administrator.
The cause of this error was neither the app-pool nor the 'service on server' not being started, but the service account used in the production farm not being available in the staging farm. Look through the user accounts listed in the ECMPermission table in the MMS database, and correct the "wrong" accounts. Note that updating the MMS database directly might not be supported.
Note that after the term store migration, the MMS content type HUB URL configuration will also have been overwritten. You may not notice for some time, but the content type HUB publishing and subscriber timer jobs will stop working. What you will notice, is that if you try to click republish on a content type in the HUB, you'll get an "No valid proxy can be found to do this operation" error. See How to change the Content Type Hub URL by Michal Pisarek for the steps to rectify this.
Set-SPMetadataServiceApplication -Identity "Managed Metadata Service" -HubURI "http://puzzlepart:8181/"
After resetting this MMS configuration, you should verify that the content type publishing works correctly by republishing and running the timer jobs. Use "Site Collection Administration > Content Type Publishing" as shown on page 2 in Chris Geier's article to verify that the correct HUB is set and that HUB content types are pushed to the subscribers.
ReplyDeleteI am trying to do the above in moving my termstore between my Development & QA Environments. A Little info about both environments, DEvelopment is a Single Server Farm while QA is a 3-tier (1WFE, 1App, 1SQL). I have two variations under my site collection (Arabic, English) in both environments. MMS is setup in both Development and QA environments before I start with the above Powershells.
I have ran the above commands without any problems, but after i import the backup using the "Import-SPMetadataWebServicePartitionData' command and seting the ContentHub URL using the "Set-SPMetadataServiceApplication" command, I find I have my terms but they are not "grouped" under the TermSet of my each variation site. In fact both the Site Collection and the "TermSet" (Arabic & English Navigation) itself is not there in the Term Store. Is this normal? or Have I missed something?
What am I missing? Been struggling with this for the last 2-3 days. Appreciate your help.
I''ve never tried this with variations. It is meant for multitenant sites, so it is limited in whats supported, such as no restore of terms for a single site collection.