One of the most elusive and complicated parts of CAB is the workitem dependency injection container and all its use case resource collections. SCSF improved on the CAB workitem by adding the WorkItemController as the place to put use case controller logic. The WorkItemController gets a WorkItem instance injected, and many developers never use anything but this default workitem built into the ModuleController. This might lead to a system that is hard to build and maintain due to lack of task isolation because of no good mechanisms for controlling the lifespan of use cases (workitems).
In most projects there is a strong focus on the visual elements of the solution: the views (WorkSpaces, SmartParts, Ribbons, etc) - and CAB makes it quite easy to create a composite UI application. But this doesn't necessarily make for a maintainable, pluggable and loosely coupled composite application / service-oriented business application (SOBA).
It is imperative that the workitem structure and lifespans are analyzed to be able to design the lifecycle management based on the dynamic behavior, events and state of the system's use cases. Without designing a set of workitems and their lifecycle management requirements, your application will not be able to provide users with a task-oriented composite application allowing users to start, work on, switch between, and complete a set of use cases. Without workitems, your system will be just a multi-view forms-over-data application - having no processes for resource life-cycles.
I recommend reading the 'Identifying WorkItems' section of Designing Smart Clients based on CAB and SCSF by Mario Szpuszta, a case-study from Raiffeisen Bank. The case-study shows how to analyze use case diagrams to identify workitems and modules, and provides some good rules for how to do this analysis. It shows how to use root use-cases and pure sub use-cases to identify first-level workitems and sub-workitems, and what I call hub-workitems from sub use-cases that are used from several use-cases. The hub-workitems are often entry points to use-cases such as "find customer".
What I would like to add to the procedure is that adding a dynamic modeling aspect based on the use cases will help with explaining, doing and presenting the workitem analysis.
Dynamic modelling is done using UML activity diagrams or BPMN diagrams, both showing workflow and responsible parties using swimlanes. The main help of using these dynamic diagrams is to get a dynamic (run-time) view of the static use case diagrams to be able to see the lifespan of tasks.
Create business process or workflow diagrams of the use cases. Each process will have a defined start and end, and is a good candidate for becoming a first-level workitem with zero, one or more sub-workitems. The diagram swimlanes are good candidates for identifying sub-workitems of the first-level workitem. Use the process diagrams to identitfy the lifecycle management requirements for workitems in your composite application.
Don't create a CAB application with only one workitem that lives as long as its module, unless your use case is as simple as that.
Hi, thanks for this blog entry. I've been scouring the net for more info on WorkItem life-cycle management, and how to properly cleanup up or 'reset' a workitems state for another use-case run but haven't found much. Can you point me towards more info on best practices for handling workitem cleanup the CAB way? I've been manually removing items from the items collection on workitems to cleanup state, but CAB doesn't like that, there must be a better way. Any tips or examples are appreciated!
ReplyDeleteSorry, haven't worked with CAB for three years now, switched to ASP.NET MVC style long time ago.