Tuesday, April 15, 2008

WCF+SCSF: Client Domain Objects, Mapper Pattern

The client domain objects (aka business entity - BE) must be related to the data contracts provided by the web-services. Still, they will need to be enhanced with e.g. dirty-tracking, validation, state, property conversions (xs:date), business rules, and other aspects needed to produce a fully working client application. This article describes how to achieve this when sharing domain objects across layers is not an option (i.e. interop with JEE services), and the same applies to AOP.

One option for implementing the BE objects, described in this article, is to apply the Mapper pattern to the WSDL scema-based DTO objects to transform them into domain objects. Read ‘Design of Client Domain Objects’ for an intro this option and the related Decorator option.

Service Proxy

The mapper option has no special requirements for the service proxy or its message and data contracts, as there are no shared objects between the proxy and the business entities, i.e. the proxy is totally self-contained. The mapper objects do all transformation to/from the DTO objects and the BE objects.

CAB EntityTranslatorService, CAB EntityMapperTranslator

The EntityTranslatorService class is a service that provides a registry of translators and translation services between two classes. The user must implement the translators and register them with the service.

For more information see: ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/MS.VSIPCC.v80/ms.practices.scsf.2007may/SCSF/html/03-01-090-How_to_Translate_Between_Business_Entities_and_Service_Entities.htm

The EntityMapperTranslator class is a base helper implementation of an IEntityTranslator that provides placeholders to translate from business entities to service and viceversa.

For more information see: ms-help://MS.VSCC.v80/MS.VSIPCC.v80/ms.practices.scsf.2007may/SCSF/html/03-01-090-How_to_Translate_Between_Business_Entities_and_Service_Entities.htm

Mappers and the Translator Service

A mapper must be derived from the CAB class EntityMapperTranslator<BE, DTO> and implement two methods:

DTO = BusinessToService(BE)
BE = ServiceToBusiness(DTO)

A mapper must traverse the complete object graph to translate all child collections and objects when the mapped object is a DDD "aggregate root".

Always add a mapper for collections of the mapped DTO and BE objects. A list mapper must iterate the collection and use the applicable object translator to map each item in the list.

Each module must register its own mappers with the CAB translator service from the CAB module AddServices:

public override void AddServices()
_workItem.RootWorkItem.Services.AddNew<MyService, IMyService>();


private void AddEntityTranslators()

IEntityTranslatorService translator = _workItem.RootWorkItem.Services.Get<IEntityTranslatorService>();

translator.RegisterEntityTranslator(new MyTranslator());
translator.RegisterEntityTranslator(new MyListTranslator());

. . .

The mappers are used by the service agents to map DTO objects to BE objects and vice verca. Each CAB service that depends on a service agent must have a [ServiceDependency] on IEntityTranslatorService:

public MyService([ServiceDependency]IEntityTranslatorService translator)
_translator = translator;
_myServiceAgent = new MyServiceAgent(_translator);

MyService is a CAB service and will thus get the EntityTranslatorService injected by the DI-container. It then creates the required service agents using the translator service reference. MyServiceAgent is not a CAB service, thus it is not subject to any DI-container dependency resolving magic.

Service Agents Perform the Mapping

The service agents use the EntityTranslatorService to map the DTO objects returned by the service proxy into BE objects:

AllocationTypeList allocationTypeList;
NominationTypeList nominationTypeList = _proxy.GetNominationAndAllocation (periodType, out allocationTypeList);

nominationList = _translator.Translate <List<Nomination>>(nominationTypeList);
allocationList = _translator.Translate <List<Allocation>>(allocationTypeList);

The reverse mapping must be performed on all BE objects passed as DTO objects into the service proxies.


Mapping from DTO to BE

Your BE class must have a constructor to initialize the object for normal use. The constructor must initialize all properties that must have a defined initial value. In addition, the c'tor must initialize all child objects that are exposed as public properties, to avoid null reference exceptions when using the BE (make it simple to use the BE). This also applies to child collections; create the collection to make it ready for use. Don't break the DRY principle by adding the initialization code multiple places.

public Nomination()
//initialize all contained valueobjects with members
this.NominatedValueField = new UnitValueType();
this.NominatedValueField.Unit = String.Empty;
. . .

The mapper code will create a new instance of the BE class and initialize it based on values from the DTO object. This can involve the whole specter from simple value copying to complex conversion logic.

Mapping from BE to DTO

Your mapper class must initialize the created DTO object before using it. The mapper must initialize all properties that must have a defined initial value. In addition, the mapper must initialize all child objects that are exposed as (de-normalized) public properties, to avoid null reference exceptions when mapping the BE. This also applies to child collections; create the collection to make it ready for use.

//initialize all normalized valueobjects with members
dto.NominatedValueField = new UnitValueType();
dto.NominatedValueField.Unit = String.Empty;

Also initialize all DTO fields that are required by the XSD schema, failure to initialize these fields will give serialization errors:

[DataMemberAttribute(IsRequired=true, . . .)]

The mapper code will create a new instance of the DTO class and initialize it based on values from the BE object. This can involve the whole specter from simple value copying to complex conversion logic.

Converting XML Data Types to/from Strongly Typed Properties

Note that xs:date becomes string in .NET as there is no Date only type, just DateTime. DO NOT LET THIS KIND OF WEAK TYPE DESIGN LEAK INTO YOUR BE OBJECTS. Contain the weak typing in your DTO object by converting to/from strongly typed properties in the mapper.

dto.DemandDate = value.DemandDate.ToString(WSDateFormat);

entity.DemandDate = DateTime.ParseExact(value.DemandDate, WSDateFormat, null);

This keeps your BE object within the "Simple vs Easy" principle.

Dirty Tracking

If your BE implements INotifyPropertyChanged to enable data-binding, then the event is a good place to add dirty-tracking: Simple Dirty Tracking in Domain Objects.

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