Use the TestableRootWorkItem like this:
private MockRepository _mocks;
private TestableRootWorkItem _workitem;
private MyViewPresenter _presenter;
private IMyView _view;
private IMyService _service;
public void Initialize()
_mocks = new MockRepository();
_service = _mocks.CreateMock<IMyService>();
_view = _mocks.CreateMock<IMyView>();
_workitem = new TestableRootWorkItem();
//perform the CAB DI-container magic
_presenter = _workitem.Items.AddNew<MyViewPresenter>();
_presenter.View = _view;
Note: do not try to access the workitem or any injected dependencies such as [ServiceDependency] inside constructors, things might not have been resolved by the DI container yet. This especially applies to stuff from base classes and things that are not resolved using an [InjectionConstructor].
When testing that event publishing actually triggers the subscribers, you can add fake event publishers and subscribers to help with the mocking. In addition, your unit-test should verify that the raised event causes presenters and views to be loaded by checking the content of the Items and SmartPart collections afterwards.
Implement your CAB/SCSF event-based unit-test like this:
[TestFixture]public class ModuleTestFixture
. . .
public void Initialize()
_workitem = new TestableRootWorkItem();
_eventPublisher = _workitem.Items.AddNew<MockEventPublisher>(_eventPublisherId);
_eventSubscriber = _workitem.Items.AddNew<MockEventSubscriber>(_eventSubscriberId);
_moduleInitializer = new Module(_workitem);
public void ShouldLaunchPriceConfigViewOnEvent()
int itemPresentersCount = FindItemsByTypeRecursive <PriceConfigurationViewPresenter>(_workitem);
Assert.AreEqual(0, itemPresentersCount);
int smartPartViewsCount = FindSmarPartsByTypeRecursive <PriceConfigurationView>(_workitem);
Assert.AreEqual(0, smartPartViewsCount);
_eventPublisher.OnNewOrder(new NewOrderEventArgs(123, Constants.OperationNames.StartPriceConfigurationView));
Assert.AreEqual(true, _eventPublisher.HasRaisedNewOrder, "EventPublication <NewOrder> failed");
Assert.AreEqual(true, _eventSubscriber.HasHandledNewOrder, "EventSubscription <NewOrder> failed");
itemPresentersCount = FindItemsByTypeRecursive <PriceConfigurationViewPresenter>(_workitem);
Assert.AreEqual(1, itemPresentersCount);
smartPartViewsCount = FindSmarPartsByTypeRecursive <PriceConfigurationView>(_workitem);
Assert.AreEqual(1, smartPartViewsCount);
private int FindItemsByTypeRecursive<T>(WorkItem workItem)
ICollection<T> items = workItem.Items.FindByType<T>();
int typeCount = items.Count;
foreach (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, WorkItem> item in workItem.WorkItems)
typeCount += FindItemsByTypeRecursive<T>(item.Value);
return typeCount;
private int FindSmarPartsByTypeRecursive<T>(WorkItem workItem)
ICollection<T> items = workItem.SmartParts.FindByType<T>();
int typeCount = items.Count;
foreach (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, WorkItem> item in workItem.WorkItems)
typeCount += FindSmarPartsByTypeRecursive<T>(item.Value);
return typeCount;
public class MockEventPublisher
[EventPublication(Constants.EventTopicNames.NewOrder, PublicationScope.Global)]
public event System.EventHandler<NewOrderEventArgs> NewOrder;
public virtual void OnNewOrder(NewOrderEventArgs eventArgs)
if (NewOrder != null)
_hasRaisedNewOrder = true;
NewOrder(this, eventArgs);
public bool HasRaisedNewOrder
get { return _hasRaisedNewOrder; }
set { _hasRaisedNewOrder = value; }
private bool _hasRaisedNewOrder = false;
public class MockEventSubscriber
public void OnNewOrder(object sender, NewOrderEventArgs eventArgs)
if (eventArgs.OperationName == Constants.OperationNames.StartPriceConfigurationView)
_hasHandledNewOrder = true;
public bool HasHandledNewOrder
get { return _hasHandledNewOrder; }
set { _hasHandledNewOrder = value; }
private bool _hasHandledNewOrder = false;
If you have issues with understanding that a WorkItem is just a dependency injection container or what all the different collections such as Items, Services, SmartParts, WorkSpaces, etc are for; I recommend reading Rich Newman's Introduction to CAB/SCSF. Read part 18 first.
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