The solution that we are implementing includes a WCF service that allows a set of document metadata to be imported into our system. The operation is ImportProjectDocuments( ImportProjectDocumentsMessage request) and the message contains the ProjectDocuments data contract specifying the document structure. The data contract of course adhers to my 'separate structure from data' rule. The import operation is intended for application-to-application layer usage by our e-biz partners, for connecting our systems in a service-oriented distributed architecture.
Then came the need for allowing users to manually enter the document structure in a disconnected manner and submitting it to our service later on; i.e. a human-to-application layer service.
Enter InfoPath 2003 as the occasionally connected client (OCC), a perfect match for our existing data contract (see closing note) and a nice data entry application. Note that InfoPath is not used to submit the entered data directly to the WCF service endpoint, just to fill out a form and submitting it to our server as XML files - by e-mail or to a SharePoint form library when connected. You may think of the form library as the human friendly "message queue".
By the way - having a OCC service consumer is a rather good assessment of whether your services adheres to SOA best practices such as explicit boundaries, message based, share contract, and self-contained business event operations based on the paper form metaphor.
The submitted InfoPath forms must then be processed, typically by a workflow system such as K2.NET or even WWF, monitoring the form library. Each XML form must taken off the "message queue", deserialized using the DataContractSerializer and passed to our service, invoking the correct operation for the submitted XML data.
This is all quite trivial, but even if the XML generated by InfoPath adheres to the XSD schema, InfoPath adds some processing instructions that the deserializer chokes on:
There was an error deserializing the object of type DNVS.DNVX.eApproval.DataContracts.ProjectDocuments.
Processing instructions (other than the XML declaration) and DTDs are not supported.
You must remove the InfoPath processing instructions before deserialization, and the easiest way to do this is by using a standard XmlTextReader instead of the WCF XmlDictionaryReader used in the MSDN documentation:
public void DeserializeDataContractFromInfoPathXmlFileTest()
string fileName = @".\form1.xml";
ProjectDocuments documents = null;
DataContractSerializer xlizer = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(ProjectDocuments));
FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open);
//NOTE: must get rid of InfoPath processing instructions
//XmlDictionaryReader reader = XmlDictionaryReader.CreateTextReader(fs, new XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas());
XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(fs);
documents = (ProjectDocuments) xlizer.ReadObject(reader, true);
Assert.IsNotNull(documents, "Could not deserialize the project documents XML");
The ReadObject() method is what actually converts the XML into a WCF data contract instance, ready for processing by the service layer just as if it had arrived through the WCF endpoint.
Note that the duration data type defined in the XSD schemas generated by WCF will cause an InfoPath 2003 parse error. You need to remove it before you start to design a new InfoPath form based on the data contract XSD schemas.
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