Yesterday I spent a few hours tracking down a "Transaction Timeout / The transaction has aborted" exception in a new business process method that combined several existing methods. By running the applicable unit tests, I knew that all the methods used in the new process were working correctly, so it had to be the combination of transaction scopes that caused the error.
I turned on the 'Break when an exception is: CLR exceptions: thrown' (Debug-Exceptions in the VSTS main menu) to pinpoint the bug:
... and this lead me to a transaction suppress block that used the the current connection of the DbConnectionScope like this:
Using noTransx As New TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Suppress)
Catch ex as TrioKasseException
'ignore error, as no record found is OK in this method
End Try
End Using
Sub ReadDataNoLock()
ta.Connection = DbConnectionScope.Current.GetOpenConnection(...)
Throw New TrioKasseException(...) 'record not found
End Sub
To make a long story short, this code reuses the connection of the outer required block to perform a non-transactional read inside the suppress block; and the code causes an exception to be thrown and handled during the connection usage. This causes the next attempt to aquire a handle to the "required" transaction context to fail with "transaction has aborted". The fix for this exception is to avoid the connection reuse by forcing a new connection:
Using noTransx As New TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Suppress)
Using dbconn As New DbConnectionScope(Of SqlConnection)(DbConnectionScopeOption.RequiresNew)
End Using
End Using
Takeaway: If you use a .Suppress transaction block inside a .Required transaction block, always use a .RequiresNew companion DbConnectionScope block to ensure that you do not reuse a connection across transaction blocks.
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