Thursday, September 15, 2005

MSCRM case: worldwide customer evidence video!

A lot of the themes that I have blogged about here stems from a MSCRM and Exchange based solution that utilizes SharePoint, Office and Outlook as the front-end. I worked as the lead developer on the project and did a lot of cool MSCRM, AD, Outlook and Exchange stuff, plus some VSTO-O alpha development. Mads Nissen did the SharePoint stuff and lately an extra VSTO-O add-in.

This shipbroker solution was chosen by Microsoft to become one of a few worldwide customer evidence videos! Watch the video
here. I am (unfortunately?) not in the video.

The project would not have succeeded without the effort of a bunch of other people not mentioned here, but then noone gets forgotten.

PS! if the video won't start, download the launcher and start it using MediaPlayer (afterall, it is a Microsoft video).

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