We do not want to use the common, but not good, approach to install Outlook on the web server or on the Exchange Server to use CDO to implement our logic. Outlook is a client tier application, and CDO belongs on the client tier. The same applies to all Office applications, just try to use Word as an automation server in a web solution to produce documents from templates. Very bad application design indeed.
After a bit of experimenting with a selection of the 21 APIs, we now use these APIs against Exchange 2003 and ActiveDirectory:
- System.DirectoryServices (the only native .NET component, the others are COM)
- Exchange OleDB (ExOleDB)
Note that CDOEXM/CDOEX must run on the Exchange server, or on a computer where the Exchange Administrative Tools have been installed (and in the same Active Directory organization). The Exchange server by default has CDOEXM/CDOEX installed (note that just copying and registering the DLLs will not work). We have chosen the former, because the latter have a long list of prerequsites for the target computer, thus using the Exchange server as the location of our .NET components is simply the easiest approach.
In order to call the CDOEXM code on the Exchange server from your WebForm or WinForm application, you can use .NET Remoting or .NET web services. We have chosen the latter, as it is simply the easiest way to implement a distributed solution for intra-system "remote procedure calls". This approach with a specific service for all our Exchange and AD logic also have several other benefits, such as making it easy to set the identity used to access AD, mailboxes, etc. Use the above mentioned ADSIEdit tool to view and set permissions for AD and Exchange objects.
Always remember that the Exchange domain (myco.com) might not be the same as your AD domain (myco.local), as this might cause you some grief when trying to understand and use the rather poor code samples provided on MSDN.
Warning: If you try to use CDOEXM code on a computer that do not have the Exchange Administrative Tools properly installed, you will at run-time get a cast exception (InvalidCastException, "specified cast is not valid") when trying to use .NativeObject to get a CDOEXM object from a .NET AD object, e.g. when your code must call MailEnable() on an AD user, AD contact or AD distribution group.
A final warning: Watch out for the Exchange RUS when mail enabling external contacts, more on this in a later posting.
ReplyDeleteWe are using Exchange 2003 as part of sbs 2003 premium.
We have a distribution group abc which receives emails abc@mydomian.com. How can I retrieve emails from this distribution group and extract any PDF attachments that may be present using vb.net? Could you give some pointers?
Many Thanks